The Thing We Never Talk About

Humans fascinate me. Sometimes in a “I can’t look away from the train wreck” way and sometimes in the way that I am overcome by awe, but mostly something in between. I find human relationships and interactions the stuff of legends. I’m never bored. Ever. I have some pretty solid impulse control challenges, but I’m never bored. Put me on any form of transportation with a tiny notebook and I’m good for hours. I’ll never forget the Seattle man in a floor length cheetah coat who said “I’m a real life influencer.” I won’t say any more about him because …

T-Rexes and Aggressive Vowels

“We want to play alone today.”  Do you ever have those moments where slow-motion, almost surreal memories from your childhood pop into your head unwanted and largely outside of your control? No? Cool, me too. Mine don’t come with a soundtrack either (feel free to add Madonna’s This Used to Be My Playground to my 1990’s elementary school memory…just for dramatic effect).  When I was young and had moved here from New York (rather conveniently in 1990 so I never had to wonder what decade we switched from being an East Coast family to a West Coast people) I had a really hard time …

The New Magic Word: Yet

Ah, where to begin. Due to all of the avoiding, denying and so on addressed in my last post, I had months’ worth of material to work with. When I finished that outpouring of letters and bits of punctuation, I promised myself that I would go back to writing more (or at all).  I specialize in Vicious Cycles (I imagine I am not alone in that) and this is one that I will be working on breaking. The compulsive OCD, control-freak in me wants to create a series of schedules and reminders and and and… and I won’t be doing …

Avoid – Deny – Repeat

I almost titled this blog “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off.” Also under consideration was “This Rollercoaster is Making Me Nauseous” as well as “Lady Who Cries While Driving.” When I get that many blog title ideas, my Muse is telling me it has been too long since I have written. Here’s the problem: when I write, I process.  Why avoid writing?… Ummmm read the title.  Avoid – Deny – Repeat Let’s start at the top of the rollercoaster and work our way down. Shall we? Lovely. Mid-August was one of those Ultimate Life Dream moments. Holding a …

These Are Not the Words You’re Looking For

I have tried to write this blog (both in my head and on paper) more times than I can count. I had thoughts and as I sat down to write them, they began to…evaporate. I would reach out to grab them, but by the time I realized what was happening – gone.  From what I can tell, no two people have had exactly the same experience with this pandemic. Perhaps there are two people somewhere on this Earth, but I haven’t met them (yet). To me, the past two (plus) years were like a simulation game and Covid-19 got loaded …


The Downside to Being Positive

The last time I stared down at a narrow, white test strip with an intensity that would put a scientist to shame, I was finding out that I was pregnant with Liliana. I was exhausted then too and a little dizzy, but that’s about where the parallels end.  Earlier this week when I was sitting on the bathroom, I wasn’t just exhausted, I felt a bit like I had gotten hit by a golf cart…and then rolled down a small hill into a ravine that had just a little bit of ice-cold water in it…and while I sat in the …